Terms & Conditions in short

  • Our service does not guarantee specific outcomes, our fees are based on our time, business overheads, and expertise.

  • We are not a legal professional, nor do we have any influence over the immigration practices, decisions, or processing times of the Irish State.

  • We do not, nor can we, represent clients. Rather we advise and aid them in their interactions (other than as an agent in employment permit applications and entry visa applications). 

  • We are not responsible for, nor can we influence the response times of government departments/agencies.

  • Advice given reflects current administrative policy and no responsibility is taken for changes.

  • All payments must be provided in advance.

  • Once payment has been received, refunds will not be provided. This does not affect your statutory rights.

  • All quotations for further work are made in good faith based on the information provided.

  • We reserve the right to revise the initial quote upon any changes in information we deem significant.

  • We reserve the right to refuse business if we deem it necessary, e.g. where there is a conflict of interest.

  • Photocopying/printing of documents and postage other than An Post basic/registered post are the responsibility of the client.

  • The cancellation of consultation bookings with less than 24 hours notice will cause a re-booking fee of 50% to be applied to the next appointment made.

  • A failure to attend a booked appointment without notice will result in a re-booking fee of 100%. 

  • We reserve the right to not provide hard or soft copies of material prepared. Should the client wish to access these they are welcome to review them in person at our office at an agreed time. Should the client wish for some/all material prepared, for a reason other than what we deem exceptional they will be normally  provided with the understanding that the service will be ended from that point, unless otherwise agreed. The client will be asked to confirm their understanding that the service has come to an end and the material will be provided in a suitable format.

  • We reserve the right to amend any information in these terms and conditions without prior notice.

  • By engaging our services, you agree to these terms and conditions.


Personal Information

  • All personal information you provide us with or that we obtain will be handled by Ryan Immigration Limited as responsible for the personal information.

  • The information you provide is only available to Philip J. Ryan where he deems fit staff and will not be shared with other third parties without your explicit consent (Which should be signed for on our standard consent/authority form).

  • You have the right to view the information held about you at our offices, if it has not been previously destroyed. We reserve the right to destroy information after a reasonable period of inaction, or where we deem its removal appropriate. You always have the right to request Ryan Immigration Limited to delete or correct the information held about you.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679

  • Subject to any legal requirement (Court order, warrant) compelling us to do anything, or refrain from doing anything:-

  • We do not obtain information on you from anybody but you, unless you instruct us to do so in writing.

  • We do not give, share, or give access to your information to any third party whatsoever without your written instructions to do so regarding specific information to a particular third party.

  • Where we write a letter containing your information, not addressed to a particular third party at your request; we hand the letter/email to you, and it is for you to decide to whom you give it too.

  • We do not use automatic data processing systems. Our systems are used as a word processor for the purpose of composing applications and correspondence solely in your name except for Employment Permits and Visa application when we act as your agent. All inputs are made manually by us on your instructions and with Data provided by you or arranged by you.

  • Phil J Ryan is our Data Protection Officer.

  • Your data is only ever used or processed solely for the purpose for which you have employed us.

  • We will not use your data for training purposes and only persons directly employed by us may access it and then only for purposes directly connected with delivering to you the service you employed us to provide.

  • Telephone calls and consultations in our office or by remote electronic means are not recorded by us. If you wish to make such recording we expect to be informed beforehand. We will usually not object so long as the recordings are not broadcast or disseminated to 3rd parties and are used solely for you own purposes directly connected to the issue for which you consulted us and not used for commercial purposes.

  • We retain copyright of all our intellectual property and copies of files may be redacted showing your personal data but redacting that material which is our intellectual property generic to your application and not specific to you. In this regard it should be noted that all personal information held by us about you is provided to us by you and that you are already in possession of any such information. The only additional information to your file is our intellectual property.

  • In cases where a third party has supplied confidential information to facilitate an application by you or other employees such as details by way of revenue return forms we cannot prove this to you.


Retention of personal information:-

  • Information obtained in consultation when a service is not availed of is retained for a minimum of 8 weeks. It is then destroyed unless you specifically request us to retain it for a longer period. We conduct regular shredding of such files.

  • In all other cases we destruct paper files and delete or anonymise electronic files:- Without undue delay on your instructions.

  • When we believe that your immigration matters are finalised and that you will not further require our services, or, otherwise require your information for matters relating to your immigration status.

  • If we hold original documents or certified copies which we believe you may need in the future we will hold them until you arrange to collect them, or give us instructions to destroy them or to post them to an address in Ireland, or at your expense and risk to an address outside the State. It is your responsibility to make such arrangements with us.


Security of your Information:-

  • Your paper files are held in our offices and are never removed from there. Our offices are secured by a strong shutter and all windows are protected by fixed metal grating.

  • In order to provide the best possible service to you, your electronic information is kept on Google drive, with 2 step authorisation and regularly changed password, any attempt to access by an unauthorised device is immediately notified to Philip J. Ryan. Any new device must be specifically authorised, using a unique code. Google Drive’s GDPR compliance is here https://cloud.google.com/security/gdpr/

  • We will never put your data on an information system not completely under our control, or that is exclusively accessed by us or capable of being accessed by somebody not directly in our employ.

  • We do not use any data systems not expressly mentioned here and if we do in the future, we will amend these terms of service and inform any clients whose files we intend to transfer for prior permission to do so.

  • You may instruct us not to use Google Drive to process your application, however if you do, you may experience longer times for the completion of your application, as your file will then be stored on the hard drive on a single computer, and will only be capable of being progressed by one person at a time in a specific office in our premises in Liffey Street Lower, Dublin 1. Quotations and invoices/receipts etc will still be held on google drive.

  • All our devices can be wiped remotely and instantly de-authorised.

  • We retain emails unless you instruct us to delete them we never share your email with any person or entity, unless you instruct us to.

  • Email addresses are never used for marketing purposes.

  • We retain permanently any instructions you give us in any form to share your information and copies of written quotations given to you where you avail of the service offered.


Social Media etc:-

  • We will never post any information about you on any social media, nor do or will we use your data on social media.

  • Our website uses cookies, however we do not have access to them or any information not sent to us by you in a consultation request, including your IP address. Squarespace is our provider. See their privacy policy here https://www.squarespace.com/privacy-new

  • We do not keep records of your payment cards; Stripe is our payments provider. See their GDPR service terms on their site

  • For accounting purposes, we retain, as required under Irish Revenue rules/ legislation, any information notified to us by our Bank regarding payments made to us or by us.


  • The price applicable on all services outside consultations are set on case-by-case basies, informed the details of the case, the projected time and costs required in providing the service.

  • All payments must be provided in advance of the engagement of service.

  • Payment is accepted in Cash, Cards (those accepted by Stripe) and Electric Fund Transfer. Cheques are not accepted.


Taxes and Company Registration

  • All our services, are subject to 23% VAT.

  • Ryan Immigration Limited is incorporated with the Ireland’s Companies Registrations Office under. Philip J. Ryan is the 100% beneficial owner.


Force Majeure

  • Events outside Ryan Immigration's control, which are not reasonably foreseeable, shall be considered force majeure, meaning that Ryan Immigration Limited will fulfil any obligations to the highest reasonable point, but may be forced to delay or amend service provided. Example of such events are government action or omission, new or amended legislation, conflict, embargo, fire or flood, sabotage, accident, war, natural disasters or strikes. The force majeure also includes government decisions that affect the market negatively and products, for example, restrictions, warnings, ban, etc.


Website Details

  • Squarepace is not responsible for any content, interactions, or transfers made on Ryan Immigration Limited .

  • www.ryanimmigration.ie uses cookies according to the new Electronic Communications Act, which came into force on 25 July 2003. A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer that contains information that helps the website to identify and track the visitor. Cookies do no harm to your computer, consist only of text, can not contain viruses and occupies virtually no space on your hard drive. There are two types of cookies: "Session Cookies" and cookies that are saved permanently on your computer.

  • The first type of cookie commonly used is "Session Cookies". During the time you visit the website, our web server assigns your browser a unique identifier string so as not to confuse you with other visitors. A "Session Cookie" is never stored permanently on your computer and disappears when you close your browser. To use www.ryanimmigration.ie without troubles you need to have cookies enabled.

  • The second type of cookie saves a file permanently on your computer. This type of cookie is used to track how visitors move around on the website. This is only used to offer visitors better services and support. The text files can be deleted. On www.ryanimmigration.ie we use this type of cookie to keep track of your shopping cart and to keep statistics of our visitors. The information stored on your computer is only a unique number, without any connection to personal information.


Additional Information

  • This page contains the terms & conditions. Please read these terms & conditions carefully before engaging our service.

  • None of these terms & conditions affect your statutory rights. No other terms or changes to the terms & conditions shall be binding unless agreed in writing signed by us.

  • Ryan Immigration Limited reserves the right to amend any information, including but not limited to prices, policy information/opinions, terms of service and services offerings without prior notice.

  • In the event that a service is not appropriate to the client we reserve the right to cancel the service and refund an appropriate portion sum paid in the best manner possible. We shall also notify the client of any appropriate alternative approaches if available.


All enquiries: info@ryanimmigration.ie